Did you spend the last 3 hours scrolling through Instagram but without clicking on a single “Follow”? Then, it’s time to take our lead. Elsa Ascione and Thibault Benghozi, architects at American Vintage for (respectively) 4 years and 8 months, picked out three of their peers to follow on Instagram.
Cover photo: Arquitectura-G
#1: L’Atelier Senzu (follow them on Instagram)
Parisian architecture firm L’Atelier Senzu explores natural materials (rammed earth, wood, clay) to take into account various climatic challenges.
#2: Arquitectura-G (follow them on Instagram)
This Barcelona studio’s work is focused on natural light, enhanced by a mix of different materials. The result: spaces that might have seemed convoluted become stunningly unique.
#3: Ted’A Arquitectes (follow them on Instagram)
This Spanish duo’s style reveals their skill at showcasing the Mediterranean tradition and emphasising the view.
AMV Journal is a space dedicated to encounters, discovery and travel. Every week, explore the musts, portraits and inspirations of American Vintage and its creation studio.