5 inspiring accounts for a festive holiday home

Tick-tock, tick-tock. A month ago (already!), Mariah Carey popped up again in her little red outfit to sing All I Want for Christmas is You — the unmistakable sign that the festive holidays are almost upon us. ‘Tis the season to up your decorating game by taking inspiration from these five Instagram accounts.

Cover photo: melissa__jimenzhttps://www.instagram.com/melissa__jimenz/

#1: Justine Jupinet’s ceramics

Based in Lille, Justine Jupinet (@jordjadela) made a name for herself with Studio Habibi — and her lovely and delicious ceramics. The perfect piece for the festive season? Lacquered clementines that hold delicate candles.

Follow her here.

#2: Marco Zamora’s original Christmas tree

Home decor fanatic Marco Zamora (@want.zamora) delights his DIY video followers, straight from Los Angeles. After creating his Christmas tree completely from scratch last year, he now dreams up a sparkling crystal structure.

Follow him here.

#3: Alice and Anaïs’s pop decoration

If you’ve never been a fan of minimalism and beigecore, you’re in the right place. Here, the colours are bright and the mood festive. Whipped up by Alice and Anaïs (@delajoie.editions), the decoration explodes with joy. Some ribbons and flickering candles are all it takes!

Follow them here.


#4: Andrea Sham’s ultra-polished pastries

Rarely have desserts achieved this level of art. Just remember: all of Andrea Sham’s creations are edible! For an innovative festive table, try mouth-watering compositions in pastel tones. As an added bonus, they’re great conversation starters.

Follow her here.

#5: Melissa Jimenez’s inspiration

A trained interior designer, Melissa Jimenez cultivates a unique vision of beauty on her social networks. This Costa Rican native now lives in Paris. On her account, you’ll find inspiration for everyday life but also special occasions. In this case: the festive holidays, for which she recommends a new take on … red!

Follow her here.

AMV Journal is a space dedicated to encounters, discovery and travel. Every week, explore the musts, portraits and inspirations of American Vintage and its creation studio.